If you own a business and have been hiring employees with regularity, you are probably well aware of the incursion of the Millennial generation upon the workforce. Millennials are rapidly coming to make up the lion’s share of the American workforce, and generational differences between Millennials and the owners of the companies that employ them are said to be both obvious and plentiful.
5 Signs Your Business Suffers From The Millennial Myth
Topics: Millennial Myth
[Podcast Recap] A Millennial’s Journey - “Millennial’s and Company Culture” with Walt Brown
While conversing with Michael Cappa and Kamil Bhatty on A Millennial’s Journey, Certifed EOS implementer and 7Q7P Founder Walt Brown explained how he unearthed what he calls “The Millennial Myth,” and how his 7 Question - 7 Promise Framework helps companies to combat and correct the perceived problems business owners believe they are having with their young employees.
Topics: Millennial Myth, Podcast Recaps
[Podcast Recap] The Startup Life Show - Episode 74 - “How to Recruit the Best Talent For Your Startup” with Walt Brown
During his discussion with Ande Lyons on The Startup Life Show, Certified EOS implementer and 7Q7P Visionary Walt Brown explained how the 7 Question - 7 Promise Framework can benefit the culture of organizations no matter what size they are, including startup companies. Walt also identified some key ways in which the mindset of startup employees can shift as a business increases in size.
Topics: Podcast Recaps
[Podcast Recap] “Leaders that don’t create culture destroy companies”
Raleigh, North Carolina — November 6, 2019 — Longtime corporate leadership coach Walt Brown accused most businesses of operating as multiple organizations under one roof due to the failure of their leaders to establish a distinct culture.
Topics: Podcast Recaps
4 Reasons Your Business Isn’t As Patient As You Think
Quite often, one of the first obstacles to reconfiguring a business into a Patient Organization through the 7Q7P methodology is revealing to the owner of the company that he is not already at the helm of a patient organization. This is an understandable, yet nonetheless harmful misinterpretation of one or more aspects of their business which allows them to mentally remodel it to fit a layman’s definition of patience.
Topics: Balanced, Belong, Believe, Accountable, Heard, Developed, Measured
[Podcast Recap] Tractionville - The Patient Organization w/ Walt Brown
In his appearance on the Tractionville Podcast, EOS implementer and 7Q7P CEO Walt Brown shared the backstory behind his emergence in the world of EOS with hosts Chris White and Benj Miller, while also sharing some valuable pieces of advice based on his experiences with setting companies on a new trajectory thanks to the 7 Question - 7 Promise Framework.
Topics: Podcast Recaps
Learning How To Win And The 7 Questions
“They have to learn how to win.”
This quote came from Packers’ QB Aaron Rodgers. He was talking about his young team, and it made me think. “They have to learn how to win as a team.”
Per usual, my mind started chewing on this thought, looking at it from all sides.
We might say that in order for a team to learn how to win, they must first learn how to lose.
Topics: Balanced, Belong, Believe, Accountable, Heard, Developed, Measured
Organizational Tyranny: 2 Masks of Core Value Terrorists
Having strong, toothy core values will smoke and flush out the folks I call "core value terrorists", or CVT’s. We must eliminate these CVTs from our teams, lives, and organizations.
Tyranny (noun): Cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others.
I see this issue manifest inside my client’s teams all the time. They always wear one or both of the following masks, and both of these terrorists are originally considered absolutely "indispensable".
Topics: Belong
Fair Enough?
"Core Values is not something you do to your people. It is something you do for your people, and yourself."
Protecting your company’s core values starts with your interview process.
(Note: Please come to grips with the fact that there is no way to "test" someone for core values alignment. They can only test themselves. Anyone can fake it for the length of your interview process.)
Topics: Belong
Smartest Dumbest Guy in the Room Syndrome
“Man, I'm only using 60% of my brain at work, and it stinks!”
Above is a comment from Bob, a friend and former Integrator of an EOS client of mine. My client sold her company and Bob moved on to the same position in another company.
"I'm checking 40% of my brain at the Door." Bob says of his new company.